Jamaica Hospital Supplies Online

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JHSOnline offers a Complete Line of Patient & Vital Signs Monitors.

JHS Fabrication

Need an emergency vehicle, ambulance, mobile medical services or an anaesthetic gas scavenging system? Yes at JHS  we also manufacture and fabricate. We manufacture a number of specialized medical equipment and fabricate ambulances and other emergency vehicles. The same high quality, customized. For more information contact our office.

Richard Wolf – High-Quality Endoscopic Products

Richard Wolf GmbH one of the leading manufacturers of high-quality products for endoscopic diagnosis and therapy in human medicine and veterinary medicine. They are very proud to provide solutions within the Human Medicine field as well as individual solutions in the fields of ESWL / ESWT and for industrial applications. As a full-range supplier in […]

Go Wireless with Mortara

Go Wireless with Mortara Instrument’s WAM: Unique wireless ECG acquisition module. The go wireless™ platform is comprised of proprietary Mortara technology which offers a price competitive alternative to traditional wired ECG applications.  With simple configuration tools, long battery life, and robust transmission protocols, Mortara’s go wireless technology is ideal for integration into a wide range […]

Megasoft® Return Electrode for Surgical Procedures

Designed for safety, patient care and comfort, Mega Soft replaces previous technology where the electric current leaves the patient via a disposable single-use patient return electrode which is attached directly to the patient’s skin via a ‘sticky surface.’ With Mega Soft the patient return electrode is incorporated into a padded layer on which the patient […]

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