Archive for Products
What Happens to Your Body During Deep Sleep

Medically Reviewed by Sabrina Felson, MD on May 07, 2022 Written by Keri Wiginton 3 min read During deep sleep, you pay less attention to the outside world. But while you may be out like a light, some parts of your body are hard at work. Your breathing and heart rate go down, but your […]
Finger Pulse Oximeter – Easy to Use With Colour Screen and Alarms

This finger pulse oximeter (SpO2) is used to monitor oxygen levels in your blood (SpO2) and detect respiratory problems early.
DreamStation Sleep Apnea Systems

Contact us with your Sleep Apnea needs or send your prescription and contact information by email to or WhatsApp (876) 791-0906.
Humidified Nasal High Flow System

Broad flow range
Offering a Wider Flow Range (2 to 80 L/min) the Heyer HiF-i7 Expands Clinical Application for your Patients from the Most Acute Environments (ICU and A&E) to the Home.
Automatically Adjustable and Controlled Oxygen Concentrations. Add and titrate oxygen separately from Flow Rate. From 21% (room air) to 100% Oxygen. FiO2 values displayed onscreen for Quick and Easy Reference
Meet the Anthos R7 Dental Unit.
MODULAR CONFIGURATION In its modular configuration, the Classe R7 allows the dentist to personalise the dental unit according to his specific workplace and work-based needs. The multiplicity of solutions ensures effective use of available surgery space, aiding freedom of movement around the patient chair and within the room. Ergonomic flexibility. In surgeries with a centralized wet loop […]
Infrared Thermometers – Non-Contact

JHS Infrared Handheld Thermometers – For use on humans (many IR thermometers on the market are made just for measuring the temperature of objects). Accurate, Reliable and Easy to Use.
Extended Wear High-Capacity Adult Incontinence Briefs

Extended Wear High-Capacity Adult Incontinence Briefs Maximum protection for the heaviest incontinence
Asthma Care at Home – Miko, Eolo, Flo Lite & Flo Mobile

When it comes to quality home care Nebulizers you have a number of choices from Jamaica Hospital Supplies including our MIKO, EOLO and FLO Mobile to name a few. All units are covered by warranties and are 50 hertz for Jamaica.