Archive for Anaesthesiology
Finger Pulse Oximeter – Easy to Use With Colour Screen and Alarms

This finger pulse oximeter (SpO2) is used to monitor oxygen levels in your blood (SpO2) and detect respiratory problems early.
DreamStation Sleep Apnea Systems

Contact us with your Sleep Apnea needs or send your prescription and contact information by email to or WhatsApp (876) 791-0906.
Humidified Nasal High Flow System

Broad flow range
Offering a Wider Flow Range (2 to 80 L/min) the Heyer HiF-i7 Expands Clinical Application for your Patients from the Most Acute Environments (ICU and A&E) to the Home.
Automatically Adjustable and Controlled Oxygen Concentrations. Add and titrate oxygen separately from Flow Rate. From 21% (room air) to 100% Oxygen. FiO2 values displayed onscreen for Quick and Easy Reference