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Finger Pulse Oximeter – Easy to Use With Colour Screen and Alarms

This finger pulse oximeter (SpO2) is used to monitor oxygen levels in your blood (SpO2) and detect respiratory problems early.
Meet the Anthos R7 Dental Unit.
MODULAR CONFIGURATION In its modular configuration, the Classe R7 allows the dentist to personalise the dental unit according to his specific workplace and work-based needs. The multiplicity of solutions ensures effective use of available surgery space, aiding freedom of movement around the patient chair and within the room. Ergonomic flexibility. In surgeries with a centralized wet loop […]
Chemotherapy Pumps – 2 & 5 Day

Jamaica Hospital Supplies distributes Easyflow, the only fully soft elastomeric infusion system for drug administration.
It is used for the continuous infusion via intravenous, intra-arterial, epidural or subcutaneous routes according to the specific clinical protocol.
It may be used for the following treatments: chemotherapy, acute and chronic pain therapy, chelation therapy, antibiotic and antiviral drug therapy.
Easyflow combines safety, lightness and reliability.
Thanks to the design and the materials (UV-Ray resistant, DEHP Free, Latex Free), it is a discreet disposable, comfortable and accurate.
All this means maximum patient safety and satisfaction.
Easyflow means 100% quality and safety.
Every single device is tested (flow rate, leakage, packaging) to guarantee perfection and comfort during the treatment.
Easyflow complies to the ISO 28620 norm
Infrared Thermometers – Non-Contact

JHS Infrared Handheld Thermometers – For use on humans (many IR thermometers on the market are made just for measuring the temperature of objects). Accurate, Reliable and Easy to Use.
Extended Wear High-Capacity Adult Incontinence Briefs

Extended Wear High-Capacity Adult Incontinence Briefs Maximum protection for the heaviest incontinence
What are the Symptoms of COVID-19?
The symptoms of confirmed COVID-19 can range from mild to severe. Some people who are infected don’t have any symptoms and don’t feel sick. Most people have mild symptoms.
Fever greater than100.4 F
New or worsening cough
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Other less common symptoms may include: ……..
IHRSA Names SportsArt as 2020 Associate Member of the Year
IHRSA Names SportsArt as 2020 Associate Member of the Year