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LED Operating Theatre Light – Brighter, Cooler, Longer Lasting…


The operation starts. The light is turned on. It is easy to set. Color temperature can be adjusted in accordance with specific requirements. Even the light field geometry can be adapted to the surgical field. And all of this without any color shadows cast in the surgical field because the light is mixed right at the light source. All this makes the operating lights from KLS Martin truly unique: marLED®, the light of the 2nd LED generation. LED service life of 25,000 hours.

Two features in particular distinguish marLED® from conventional LED operating lights: on the one hand, the light is mixed right inside the LED “light engines” – which effectively prevents the casting of color shadows. On the other hand, there is VariLUX, the currently unique function that enables light field adjustment to the surgical field, giving you the choice between circular and oval illumination. Thus, with marLED® you can adjust the light field geometry in accordance with anatomical requirements or the operating technique used.

Small LEDs – Great Effect
What makes marLED® so unique is its compact design with the significantly smaller high-performance LEDs of the second generation. Now the light is mixed right inside the “engines” – and not, as before, when it reaches the surgical site. Cast color shadows are therefore a thing of the past and the same applies to contour shadows, due to the complete absence of different colors in the surgical field. But there’s even more to marLED®: the new LED generation also improves the light yield and cuts heat generation even further, with color temperature being adjustable from daylight quality to warm-white artificial light. In a nutshell, marLED® always provides ideal light for cool heads.

Variable color temperature: Depending on specific requirements, the surgical site can be illuminated with light in quasi-daylight quality or with a lower color temperature.

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