Sir John Golding Rehabilitation Centre, UWI STAT & JHS

Donation to Sir John Golding Rehabilitation Centre. Shown: SJGRC staff, UWI STAT members & JHS representatives.
Jamaica Hospital Supplies in collaboration with UWI STAT (Students Today Alumni Tomorrow) presented The Sir John Golding Rehabilitation Centre with a Flo Clineb nebuliser.
The Flo Clineb nebuliser will be stationed on the paediatric ward where it will serve over 20 patients. At the time of the donation the centre had one working nebuliser, an Econoneb nebuliser also from Jamaica Hospital Supplies, highlighting that there really is no substitute for Quality products backed by Quality after sales service. The Econoneb nebuliser was being shared between adult and paediatric wards. With this new Flo CLineb nebuliser both areas are now more capable to handle their asthma patients’ needs.
The Sir John Golding Rehabilitation Centre exists to provide quality rehabilitative health care services to patients with physical alterations of body functions, regardless of social or financial status, cultural or religious beliefs.
The health care professionals at the centre are committed to work as a team meeting the physical, emotional, social and spiritual well being of each individual, so that they can realise their optimal potential and re-enter society to live useful, productive and satisfactory lives.
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